Resetting the Standard Product Default Settings: All Application Work Groups

The following bar code defaults all of the work groups to the factory settings.

Standard Product Default Settings:

All Application Groups

The Menu Commands starting on page 10-6list the standard product default settings for each of the commands (indicated by an asterisk (*) on the programming pages).

Temporary Visual Xpress Configuration

For quick download communication configuration, scan the Visual Xpress bar code to temporarily configure the imager for Visual Xpress settings. Refer to Visual Xpress on page 9-1for additional information about Visual Xpress.

Note: Connect the imager using RS-232 cables. Scan the bar code below and the unit will communicate in RS-232 mode, allowing it to work with Visual Xpress. The imager reverts to the original or reprogrammed interface when the power is cycled.

Visual Xpress

Note: If you download new software into a unit, the user-programmed parameters are retained. If you need to discard user-programmed settings, scan the Standard Product Default Settings bar code (see Resetting the Standard Product Default Settings: Current Application Work Group on page 8-2).

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