ters to be replaced and xx2 defines replacement characters, continuing through zz1 and zz2.
E5 Terminates character replacement. Syntax = E5.
FE Compare character in current cursor position to the character “xx.” If characters are equal, increment cursor. If characters are not equal, no format match. Syntax = FExx (xx stands for the hex value for an ASCII code, see ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252) on page
EC Check to make sure there is an ASCII number at the current cursor posi- tion. If character is not numeric, format is aborted. Syntax = EC.
ED Check to make sure there is a
Enter Data Format
* Default Data Format
Clear One Data Format
Clear All Data Formats
Data FormatterWhen Data Formatter is turned off, the bar code data is output to the host as read (including prefixes and suffixes). Choose one of the following options. Default = Data Formatter On.
* Data Formatter On,
but Not Required
Data Formatter Off
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