•Trigger Size (H) : This is the minimum number of targets in a horizontal row that must change before the multiplexer reads the change as motion. The range is 01 to 16.
•Trigger Size (V) : This is the minimum number of targets in a vertical row that must change before the multiplexer reads the change as motion. The range is 01 to 16.
•Delay Time : The delay time is used to make adjustments for scenes that have sudden changes such as lights and shadows created by headlights of nearby traffic. The delay can be set from 0 to 5 seconds.
•Hold Time : The Hold Time can be set from 1 to 99 seconds.
•Grid Setup : Takes you to the Motion Detection Sensor Setup screen.
•<< : Goes to Camera 1.
•< : Goes back one camera.
•> : Goes forward one camera.
•>> : Goes to Camera 9.
•Reset : Returns all settings to the motion detection sensor setup default.
•Exit : Saves your changes and returns to the previous menu.