Option | Function |
Report failure to recon- | This option is Enabled (checked) by default. |
nect | The default time delay is 30 minutes. This value cannot be changed by the user. |
| There may be an audio or visual signal when a connection between a paired, active |
| device fails to |
| notifying the user the connection between one (or all) of the previously paired Blue- |
| tooth devices has failed. |
| Tap the X button or ok button to close the dialog box. |
| Possible reasons for failure to reconnect: Timeout expired without reconnecting; at- |
| tempted to pair with a device that is currently paired with another device; attempted |
| to pair with a known device that moved out of range or was turned off; attempted to |
| pair with a known device but the reason why reconnect failed is unknown. |
Clear Pairing Table on | This option is Disabled (unchecked) by default. |
Boot | When enabled (checked), all previous paired information is deleted upon any reboot |
| sequence and no devices are reconnected. |
| When enabled (checked) “Auto Reconnect on Boot” is automatically disabled |
| (dimmed). |
Auto Reconnect on Boot | This option is Enabled (checked) by default. All previously paired devices are recon- |
| nected upon any reboot sequence. |
| When disabled (unchecked), no devices are reconnected upon any reboot sequence. |
Auto Reconnect | This option is Enabled (checked) by default. This option controls the overall mobile |
| Bluetooth device reconnect behavior. |
| • When Auto Reconnect is disabled (unchecked), Auto Reconnect on Boot is |
| automatically disabled and dimmed. |
| • When Auto Reconnect is disabled (unchecked), no devices are reconnected in any |
| situation. The status of Auto Reconnect on Boot is ignored and no devices are |
| reconnected on boot. The status of Clear Pairing Table on Boot controls whether |
| the pairing table is populated on boot. |
| • When Auto Reconnect is enabled (checked) and Auto Reconnect on Boot is |
| disabled (unchecked), devices are not reconnected on boot, but are reconnected |
| in other situations (example: return from |
| • When Auto Reconnect is enabled (checked) and Clear Pairing Table on Boot is |
| enabled (checked), devices are not reconnected on boot, but are reconnected in |
| other situations (example: return from |
| on boot. The status of Auto Reconnect on Boot is ignored and the option is |
| automatically disabled (unchecked) and dimmed. |
This panel lists the assigned Computer Friendly Name (that other devices may discover during their Discovery and Query process), the Bluetooth MAC address, and software version levels. The data cannot be edited by the user.
Using BluetoothStart > Settings > Control Panel > Bluetooth or Bluetooth icon in taskbar or Bluetooth icon on desktop
The Thor VM1 default Bluetooth setting is Enabled.
The Thor VM1 Bluetooth® module is designed to Discover and pair with nearby Bluetooth devices.
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