Message | Explanation and/or corrective action | Level |
Hot key pressed | Processing the hotkey and backdoor entry | LOG_EX |
Hot key set event failure | When the administrator changes the hotkey configuration the hotkey controller | LOG_ERROR |
| must be notified. This notification failed. |
Hotkey press message re- | The user just pressed the configured hotkey. | LOG_ |
ceived |
In app hook:WM_SIZE | In addition to preventing the locked application from exiting, AppLock must also | LOG_EX |
| prevent the application from enabling the taskbar and resizing the application’s |
| window. This message traps a change in the window size and corrects it. |
In app hook:WM_WIN- | In addition to preventing the locked application from exiting, AppLock must also | LOG_EX |
DOWPOSCHANGED | prevent the application from enabling the taskbar and resizing the application’s |
| window. This message traps a change in the window position and corrects it. |
Initializing keyboard hook | AppLock is calling the keyboard hook initialization. | LOG_ |
procedure |
Keyboard hook initialization | The keyboard filter initialization failed. | LOG_ERROR |
failure |
Keyboard hook loaded OK | The keyboard hook dll exists and loaded successfully. | LOG_EX |
L after Ctrl | Processing the backdoor entry. | LOG_EX |
Loading keyboard hook | When AppLock first loads, it loads a dll that contains the keyboard hook process- | LOG_ |
| ing. This message is logged prior to the load attempt. | PROCESSING |
Open failure | The status information is being saved to a file and the file open has failed. This | LOG_ERROR |
| could occur if the file is write protected. If the file does not exist, it is created. |
Open registry failure | If the Administration registry key does not exist, the switch to user mode fails be- | LOG_ERROR |
| cause the AppName value in the Administration key is not available. |
Opened status file | The status information is being saved to a file and the file has been opened suc- | LOG_EX |
| cessfully. |
Out of memory for encrypt- | Not enough memory to encrypt the password. | LOG_ERROR |
ed pwd |
pRealTaskbarWndProc al- | The taskbar control has already been installed. | LOG_EX |
ready set |
Pwd cancelled or invalid- | The password prompt was cancelled by the user or the maximum number of | LOG_EX |
remain in user mode | failed attempts to enter a password was exceeded. |
Read registry | The hotkey registry entry is missing or empty. This is not considered an error. | LOG_ERROR |
| The keyboard hook uses an embedded default if the value is not set in the reg- |
| istry. |
Read registry | AppName registry value does not exist or is empty. This constitutes a failure for | LOG_ERROR |
name | switching into user mode. |
Read registry | AppCommandLine registry entry is missing or empty. This is not considered an | LOG_ERROR |
Line | error since command line information is not necessary to launch and lock the ap- |
| plication. |
Read registry | The Internet registry entry is missing or empty. This is not considered an error | LOG_ERROR |
net | since the Internet value is not necessary to launch and lock the application. |
Registering Backdoor MSG | The AppLock system communicates with the keyboard hook via a user defined | LOG_ |
| message. Both AppLock.exe and Kbdhook.dll register the message at initializa- | PROCESSING |
| tion. |
Registering Hotkey MSG | The AppLock system communicates with the keyboard hook via a user defined | LOG_ |
| message. Both Applock.exe and Kbdhook.dll register the message at initializa- | PROCESSING |
| tion. |
Registry read failure at re- | The registry has to be read when entering user mode is the AppName is missing. | LOG_ERROR |
enter user mode | This user mode entry is attempted at boot and after a hotkey switch when the |
| administrator has closed the application being locked or has changed the appli- |
| cation name or command line. |
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