1.The launch utility opens the registry database and reads the list of CAB files to auto-launch.

2.First it looks for FileName to see if the CAB file is present. If not, the registry entry is ignored. If it is present, and the Installed flag is not set, auto-launch makes a copy of the CAB file (since it gets deleted by installation), and runs the Microsoft utility WCELOAD to install it.

3.If the Installed flag is set, auto-launch looks for the FileCheck file. If it is present, the CAB file is installed, and that registry entry is complete. If the FileCheck file is not present, memory has been lost, and the utility calls WCE- LOAD to reinstall the CAB file.

4.Then, the whole process repeats for the next entry in the registry, until all registry entries are analyzed.

5.To force execution every time (for example, for AUTOEXEC.BAT), use a FileCheck of “dummy”, which will never be found, forcing the item to execute.

6.For persist keys specifying .EXE or .BAT files, the executing process is started, and then Launch will continue, leaving the loading process to run independently. For other persist keys (including .CAB files), Launch will wait for the loading process to complete before continuing. This is important, for example, to ensure that a .CAB file is installed before the .EXE files from the .CAB file are run.

7.Note that the auto-launch process can also launch batch files (*.BAT), executable files (*.EXE), registry setting files (*.REG), or sound files (*.WAV). The mechanism is the same as listed above, but the appropriate CE applica- tion is called, depending on file type.

Note: Registry entries may vary depending on software revision level and options ordered with the Thor VM1.

LAUNCH.EXE and Persistent Storage

If any of the following directories are created in the System folder, Launch automatically copies all of the files in these direc- tories::


copied to



copied to



copied to



copied to



copied to



copied to



copied to


This function copies only the folder contents, no sub-folders.

The Windows\Startup folder is not copied on startup because copying this folder has no effect on the system or an incorrect effect.

Files in the Startup folder are executed, but only from System\Startup. Windows\Startup is parsed too early in the boot process so it has no effect.

Executables in System\Startup must be the actual executable, not a shortcut, because shortcuts are not parsed by Launch.

Note: Files in the Startup folder are executed, but only from System > Startup. They are not copied to another folder.


Registry Editor – Use caution when editing the Registry. Make a backup copy of the registry before changes are made.


Double-tapping a registry settings file (e.g., REG) causes RegLoad to open the file and make the indicated settings in the registry.


Registry dump – Saves a copy of the registry as a text file. The file, REG.TXT, is located in the root folder.

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