Configuration | Translation | Example | Example | Translated Data |
Data |
| Control | Configuration |
| Character |
Ignore (drop) | The control character is dis- | ESCape | Ignore (drop) | 0x1B in the bar code is |
| carded from the bar code da- |
| discarded. |
| ta, prefix and suffix |
Printable text | Text is substituted for Control | Start of TeXt | STX | 0x02 in a bar code is con- |
| Character. |
| verted to the text STX. |
The | Carriage Re- | ^M | Value 0x0d in a bar code | |
| lated to the equivalent hex | turn |
| is converted to the value |
| value. |
| 0x0d. |
Escaped | The | Horizontal Tab | \^I | Value 0x09 in a bar code |
coded text | through to the application. |
| is converted to the text ^I. |
The | Carriage Re- | 0x0A | Value 0x0D in a bar code | |
text | translated to the equivalent | turn |
| is converted to a value |
| hex value. |
| 0x0A. |
Escaped | The | Vertical Tab | \0x0A or 0\x0A | Value 0x0C is a bar code |
coded text | through to the application. |
| is converted to text 0x0A |
See Hat Encoding (page
The following table shows examples of stripping and prefix/suffix configurations.
| Symbology |
| |
| All | Intrlv 2 of 5(]IO) | Code93 | ||
Enable | Enabled | Enabled | Enabled | Enabled | Disabled |
Min length | 1 | 4 | 1 | 1 |
Max length | all | all | all | 10 |
Strip Code ID | Enabled | Enabled | Disabled | Enabled |
Strip Leading | 3 | 0 | 3 | 3 |
Strip Bar Code Data |
| *123 | 1* | 456 |
Strip Trailing | 0 | 0 | 3 | 3 |
Prefix | aaa | bbb | ccc | ddd |
Suffix | www | xxx | yyy | zzz |
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