Once the ‘THR Zone’ quick program key is selected, wait for 5 seconds and you will see the target
heart rate flashing in the Heart Rate window. Using the chart on page 21, determine your target heart
rate. Your target heart rate should be set at a number that you will be able to exercise at throughout
the majority of your workout. To adjust the target heart rate, press the plus (+) or minus (-) buttons.
Once you have chosen your target heart rate, wait for five seconds and you will see the time flashing
in the Time window. Press the plus (+) or minus (-) buttons to adjust your time. Once you choose
your time, press the 'Start' button and begin your workout.
The ‘THR Zone’ program will have a 5 minute warm up time before it will get you in your ‘target
heart rate zone’.
After the 5 minute warm up period, the resistance level will increase gradually to get the user to the
entered ‘target heart rate zone’. Once the user is at the ‘target heart rate zone’, plus or minus 5
beats, the resistance level will remain at the current resistance level.
The last 5 minutes of the program will begin the cool down period. At this time, the program will
gradually decrease the resistance level to give the
user a smooth cool down.
NNOOTTEE::The Chest Strap Transmitter is required to use the ‘THR Zone’ program.
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