You’ve taken an important step in developing and sustaining an exercise program! Your elliptical is a
tremendously effective tool for achieving your personal fitness goals. Regular use of your elliptical
can improve the quality of your life in so many ways.
Here are just a few of the health benefits of aerobic exercise:
Weight Loss
A Healthier Heart
Improved Muscle Tone
Increased Daily Energy Levels
Reduced Stress
Help In Countering Anxiety
and Depression
An Improved Self Image
The key to reaping these benefits is to develop the exercise habit. Your new elliptical will help you
eliminate the obstacles that prevent you from getting in your exercise time. Inclement weather and
darkness won't interfere with your workout when you use your elliptical in the comfort of your home.
This manual provides you with basic information for using and enjoying your new machine. A more
complete knowledge of your new elliptical will assist you in realizing your goal of a healthy lifestyle.
BBeeffoorree YYoouu BBeeggiinn
HHaannddllee BBaarr
TTeennssiioonn KKnnoobb
FFrroonntt FFoooott TTuubbee
TTrraannssppoorrtt WWhheeeell
PPeeddaall AArrmm
PPiivvoottiinngg FFoooott PPaadd
GGrriipp PPuullssee
CCoonnssoollee MMaasstt
CCoonnssoollee MMaasstt BBoooott
HHaannddllee BBaarr LLiinnkk
GGuuiiddee RRaaiill
HHaannddllee BBaarr
FFrroonntt FFoooott TTuubbee
TTrraannssppoorrtt WWhheeeell
PPeeddaall AArrmm
PPiivvoottiinngg FFoooott PPaadd
GGrriipp PPuullssee
CCoonnssoollee MMaasstt
CCoonnssoollee MMaasstt BBoooott
HHaannddllee BBaarr LLiinnkk
GGuuiiddee RRaaiill
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