, 36, 262

, 109

key, 34 through , 145 , appointment-setting

menu, 145

ABS (absolute value) function,


Accrued interest, on bond, 109, 111

Accuracy of the clock, 230 Acknowledging appointments,


Actual calendar actuarial equations, 246 for arithmetic, 149

for bonds, 110 Addition, 21 ADJST menu, 144 Advance payments, 7477,

199–200, 253. See also Leasing

Algebraic mode, 36, 262

rules in equations, 16466ALOG, 169

Alphabetic keys, 3032ALPHAbetic menu, 30 AM/PM format, 143 Amortization

calculations, 7781equations, 247 schedule, 78

290 Index

schedule, printing, 8283AMRT menu, 78

AND operator, 166, 174 Annual percentage interest rate

in TVM, 63 with fees, 193 with fees, RPN, 276

Annunciators, 18 definition, 18 printer, 184

Antilogarithms, 42, 169 Appointment

menus, 142, 145 messages, 147

repeat interval, 147, 148 -setting menu, 146

Appointments acknowledging, 147 clearing, 148 messages, 145 past due, 146 printing, 188 setting, 14647unacknowledged, 146, 148

APPT menu, 145

APR for, with fees, RPN, 276 calculations, 6771interest-only, 194 interest-only, RPN, 276 odd-period, 195, 196–97

Arithmetic, 21–22, 38

in registers and variables, 46 in RPN, 264–67, 270

in RPN stack, 270 RPN examples, 275

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HP 17bII manual 169, 147