Getting Answers from HP Financial Calculator
HP Financial Calculator gives you all the power and convenience of a
∙Perform general arithmetic problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
∙Execute sophisticated TVM (time value of money) and financial calculations.
∙Produce analyses of financial alternatives.
∙Do conversions involving currency, length, temperature, and other units.
∙Perform calculations using scientific functions like sine, cosine, polar/rectangular functions, and more.
∙Solve algebraic equations with the Solver.
∙Switch between conventional algebraic mode and the RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) familiar to many HP calculator users.
Attention HP Calculator Veterans
If you’ve already used another
To start HP Calculator
∙In Program Manager,
To perform a math function on one number
1.Type the number. The number appears in the Calc line.
2.Click the button for the desired math function.
Press the key on the OmniBook keyboard corresponding to the desired math function.