Mathematical Calculations
Note: the FIX= setting only affects the display; it does not affect the actual numbers.
Simple Percentages
In Algebraic or Chain modes, pressing %divides a number by 100. For example, pressing 25%returns 0.25.
To find a percentage of a given number, enter the number and multiply it by the
desired percentage, followed by =to return the result. For example, to find 25% of 200, press 200*25%=to return a result of
To add or subtract a percentage of a number, enter the first number, followed by
=, if desired. For example, to add 10% to 50, press 50+10%=to return a result of 55.
In RPN mode, the %key calculates x percent of the number on level two of the stack, when x is the number on level one of the stack. It does not modify the number on level two of the stack, allowing you to perform an addition or a subtraction after pressing %to add or subtract x %from the number.
For example, 200I25%returns 50, but 200 is still on level two of the stack, and pressing