BT Diverse 5350 ~ 5th Edition ~ 19th June ’03 ~ 5193

To withhold your number from being sent

Your number appears on the display of the person you call. You can withhold it from the next call.

MENU Press the MENU options button.

Press the DOWN navigation button until the display shows Select Services.

OK Press the OK options button.

The display shows Withhold Number.

OK Press the OK options button.

Enter the telephone number you want to call.

OK Press the OK options button to dial.

The number is dialled and your number is withheld for this call.

To switch Call Waiting on/off

You can choose whether to have your Call Waiting service switched on or off depending on what you are doing i.e. if you are using the Internet via your PC and do not want Call Waiting to interrupt you.

MENU Press the MENU options button.

Press the DOWN navigation button until the display shows Select Services.

OK Press the OK options button.

Press the DOWN navigation button until the display shows For All Calls.

OK Press the OK options button.

Press the DOWN navigation button until display shows Call Waiting.

OK Press the OK options button.

Press the DOWN navigation button to choose between On or Off.

OK Press the OK options button.

Press the RED PHONE button until you reach the idle display.

Ring Back Off

If you make a call and the number is engaged you can set your telephone to ring you back once the number is free

5 jkl by pressing 5. If you want to cancel this request i.e. if you have to go out before the call rings back.

MENU Press the MENU button.

Display shows Select



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