BT Diverse 5350 ~ 5th Edition ~ 19th June ’03 ~ 5193


Enter your PIN followed by a hash, e.g. 000000 #.

The entire number should look like this:


OK Press the OK options button. Press the RED PHONE button until you reach the idle display.


If you store your security PIN as part of the quick access number, anyone with access to the handset will be able to retrieve your messages.

To retrieve messages from your Voice Mail service

1Press and hold down the 1 button.

When set up it will take you into your message service. If during the set up you entered your security PIN as well as the telephone number you will be taken quickly into your messages. If the security PIN was not included you will have to enter this number now, followed by a #.

You will then be taken into your messages.

Press the RED PHONE button until you reach the idle display.

Call Director

If you have more than one handset registered to the base station, external callers can directly dial a specific handset.

After dialling your phone number, the caller is asked to select the number of the person they wish to speak to or they will hear your personal Call Director announcement. They will have 5 seconds to dial the internal handset number. If no one answers, then the answering machine will pick up the call after the specified ring delay, if the answer machine is set to ON. However, even though only the specified handset will ring, the call will be displayed and can be answered by any handset

registered to the base by pressing the GREEN PHONE button.

For Call Director to work you must switch the feature on and you will need to record an announcement.

To switch Call Director on and off

MENU Press the MENU options button.

Press the DOWN button until the display shows Base Settings.

OK Press the OK options button.

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