Message | Possible cause | Solution |
Computer cannot | The camera is | Connect the camera |
find the | connected to the | directly to a USB port on |
connected | computer | the computer. |
camera | through a USB |
(continued) | hub, and your |
| USB hub is not |
| compatible with |
| the camera. |
| You are using | Press the Save/Print button |
| the HP 8886 | on the camera dock. |
| camera dock |
| and forgot to |
| press the Save/ |
| Print button. |
| The optional | Switch the locking tab on |
| memory card is | the memory card to the |
| locked. | unlocked position. |
| The optional | Ensure that the memory |
| memory card is | card is the proper type for |
| not a supported | your camera. (See |
| card or is | Appendix B: Specifications |
| corrupted. | on page 112.) If it is the |
| proper type, try formatting |
| it (see the Format option in |
| the Delete |
| page 52). If it will not |
| format, it is probably |
| corrupted. Replace the |
| memory card. |
| The USB | Reboot the computer. |
| connection |
| failed. |
98 | hp photosmart 630 series user’s manual |