| Message | Possible cause | Solution |
| Card full | There is | Unload images from the |
| insufficient room | camera to your computer, | |
| to save more | then delete all images on | |
| images on the | the memory card (see | |
| optional memory | Delete on page 52). Or | |
| card. | replace the card with a | |
| new one. | |
| PROCESSING..., | The camera is | Wait a few seconds for the | |
| PLEASE WAIT..., | completing a | camera to complete the | |
| LOADING..., | process, such as | process before taking | |
| MOVING..., or | saving the last | another picture. | |
| SAVING | picture you took. |
| AUDIO... |
| CHARGING | The camera is | It takes longer to charge | |
| FLASH | recharging the | the flash when the | |
| flash. | batteries are low. If you | |
| see this message a lot, you | |
| may need to replace or | |
| recharge the batteries. | |
| FOCUS TOO FAR | The focus | Stay in the Macro | |
| distance is | range of 0.1 to 0.8 m | |
| beyond where | (2.5 to 32 in), or change | |
| the camera can | to the Auto Exposure | |
| focus in Macro | Mode setting. (See | |
| Exposure | ||
| Exposure mode on | ||
| Mode. | page 39.) | |
| FOCUS TOO | The focus | Stay in the Macro | |
| CLOSE | distance is closer | range of 0.1 to 0.8 m | |
| than the camera | (2.5 to 32 in) by moving | |
| can focus in | further away from the | |
| Macro | subject. (See Exposure | |
| Exposure Mode. | mode on page 39.) | |
90 | hp photosmart 630 series user’s manual |