Using hp instant share to send
i_ag÷s _o destinations
Using HP In,rantSha_ to send images in your camera to various destinations involves three steps:
] Adding destinations
2Selecting HP _ns_ntShare destinations for images (using the Share menu on the camera).
3Connecting the camera to your computer to send the images you selected. Your computer must have access to the Internet to complete this step.
Adding destln_t_ons to the sh_r÷ _÷nu on the ¢_me_a
NOTE You will need an Internet connection to complete this procedure on a Windows computer.
Turn on the camera, and then press the Share _/_ | button. |
2Highlight the Cus_'omizethis Menu_ _ optionand press the OK button. A message on the Image Display appears asking you to connect the camera to your computen
NOTE Ifyour computeris runningWindows XP,whenyou connectthe camerato your computerin the nextstep,a
dialog box will displaythat requestsyou to Sel_ the prog_r_ _olaunchbr" thisaction. Simplyclick on Cancel
to closethisdialog box.
3Connect the camera to your computer by using the USB cable or the optional HP 8886 camera dock. This activates the Camera Share Menu Setup Wizard.
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