Rear Fan


Spare part number



Rear fan




The rear fan is secured to the rear right corner of the chassis. You must remove the system board before you can remove the rear fan.

1.Prepare the computer for disassembly (Preparation for Disassembly on page 206).

2.Remove the computer access panel (Access Panel on page 207).

3.Remove the optical drive (Removing the Optical Drive on page 216).

4.Remove the front fan (Front Fan on page 215).

5.Remove the hard drive (Hard Drive on page 219).

6.Remove the optical drive rail (Optical Drive Rail on page 223).

7.Remove the heat sink (Heat sink on page 227).

8.Remove the system board (System Board on page 234).

9.From the outside of the chassis, remove the four Phillips screws that secure the fan to the chassis.

Figure 9-32Removing the rear fan screws

236 Chapter 9 Removal and Replacement Procedures – Ultra-Slim Desktop (USDT) Chassis