the Series 8200zl | Switch |
Installing |
Installing the Series 8200zl Switch
Installation Procedures
10. (Optional) Connect a Console to the Switch
The Series 8200zl Switch has a
■Monitor switch and port status and observe network activity counters
■Modify the switch’s configuration
■Read the event log and access diagnostic tools to help in troubleshooting
■Download new software to the switch
■Add passwords and other security features to control access to the switch from the console, web browser interface, and network management stations
The console can be accessed through these methods:
The Series 8200zl Switch can simultaneously support one
Terminal Configuration
To connect a console to the switch, configure the PC terminal emulator as a
■any baud rate from 2400 to 115200 (the switch automatically senses the speed)
■8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, and flow control set to None
■for Windows Terminal program, also disable (uncheck) the “Use Function, Arrow, and Ctrl Keys for Windows” option
■for the Hilgrave HyperTerminal program, select the “Terminal keys” option for the “Function, Arrow, and Ctrl keys act as” parameter