
Diagnosing with the LEDs

Diagnostic Tips:







The power supplies installed in the switch are not plugged into active AC power sources, or the power supply may have failed.

1.Verify the power cord is plugged into an active power source and to the switch. Ensure these connections are snug.

2.Try power cycling the switch by unplugging and plugging the power cord back in.

3.If the Power LED is still not on, verify the AC power source works by plugging another device into the outlet. Or try plugging the switch into a different outlet or try a different power cord.

If the power source and power cord are OK and this condition persists, the switch power supply may have failed. Call your ProCurve authorized dealer, or use the electronic support services from ProCurve to get assistance. See the Customer Support/Warranty card for more information.


A switch hardware

Try power cycling the switch. If the fault indication reoccurs, the switch may have


failure has

failed. Call your ProCurve authorized dealer, or use the electronic support services


occurred. All the

from ProCurve to get assistance. See the Customer Support/Warranty card for more


LEDs will stay on








The switch has

The failure may be just in the communications with a single module slot, or it might


experienced a

be more significant. Start a console session with the switch, and at the CLI prompt


backplane failure

issue the command show logging. In the event log that is displayed, there will


during self test.

be messages that describe the extent of the problem. If the problem is with individual



slots, the remainder of the switch slots will be fully operational and can be used until



you get a chance to replace the switch.



If necessary to resolve the problem, contact your ProCurve authorized dealer, or use



the electronic support services from ProCurve to get assistance. See the Customer



Support/Warranty card for more information.

The module installed in the slot that corresponds to the letter that is blinking is an invalid module.

The fact that the Link and Mode LEDs never are lit on the module indicates that it is a ProCurve Switch gl module and should not be used in your zl switch.

Ensure you have installed a zl module in the slot. ProCurve xl/gl modules Zl will fit in the slot, but they are not compatible with your ProCurve zl switch.

module Check to ensure the module has a Blue “zl module” symbol on it.

Remove the module from the switch and replace it with a zl module, or recover the slot with the cover plate. You can remove and replace the module without having to power down the switch. Call your ProCurve authorized dealer, or use the electronic support services from ProCurve to get information on supported Switch zl modules. The modules that are available as of the printing of this manual are listed on page 1-15.
