4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 3, ......

If the auto-scan is set as disable, the channel will be kept as single channel only, such as channel 4.


Visual C++ (Windows-95)

int W_9112_AD_Set_Autoscan (int card_number, int autoscan)

Visual Basic (Windows-95)

int W_9112_AD_Set_ Autoscan (ByVal card_number As Long, ByVal autoscan As Long) As Long

C/C++ ( DOS)

int _9112_AD_Set_Autoscan (int card_number, int autoscan)


card_number : the card number of PCI-9112

autoscan : TRUE or FALSE

uReturn Code

ERR_NoError, ERR_BoardNoInit


See the demo program ‘AD_DEMO4.C'

5.12 _9112_AD_Soft_Trig


This function is used to trigger the A/D conversion by software. When the function is called, a trigger pulse will be generated and A/D conversion is started, and the converted data will be stored in the base address Base + 0x10 after the conversion.


Visual C++ (Windows-95)

int W_9112_ AD_AD_Soft_Trig (int card_number)

Visual Basic (Windows-95)

W_9112_ AD_Soft_Trig (ByVal card_number As Long) As Long

C/C++ ( DOS)

int _9112_AD_Soft_Trig (int card_number)

uArgument :

card_number : the card number of PCI-9112

uReturn Code :

ERR_NoError, ERR_BoardNoInit

C/C++ Library 49