PPU Manpages
ppuconfig (1M) Manpage
ppuconfig (1M) Manpage
ppuconfig (1M)
ppuconfig – configure Pay Per Use daemon
Path: /usr/sbin
ppuconfig is a tool for configuring communication between the Pay Per Use daemon ppud (see ppud(1M)) and a utility meter. A utility meter must be specified for a Pay Per Use system before the ppud daemon will collect and send utilization data to HP. In the absence of this data, HP may assume 100% utilization and bill for the system accordingly.
If ppuconfig is invoked without any options the current settings will be displayed.
If this is the first time you are supplying utility meter configuration information, after specifying the utility meter with the ppuconfig command, it is recommended to execute ppuconfig
When ppuconfig is used to modify the configuration information related to the utility meter, it is not necessary to restart a running ppud daemon. When configuration information is modified it is recommended that ppuconfig
Appendix D | 73 |