Desktop Management
✎Refer to the National Keyboard Delimiter Character table below for information about the alternate delimiter characters. The
National Keyboard Delimiter Characters
Each keyboard is designed to meet
National Keyboard Delimiter Characters
Arabic | / | Greek | - | Russian | / |
Belgian | = | Hebrew | . | Slovakian | - |
BHCSY* | - | Hungarian | - | Spanish | - |
Brazilian | / | Italian | - | Swedish/Finnish | / |
Chinese | / | Japanese | / | Swiss | - |
Czech | - | Korean | / | Taiwanese | / |
Danish | - | Latin American | - | Thai | / |
French | ! | Norwegian | - | Turkish | . |
French Canadian | é | Polish | - | U.K. English | / |
German | - | Portuguese | - | U.S. English | / |
* For
Clearing Passwords
If you forget the password, you cannot access the computer. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide on the Documentation and Diagnostics CD for instructions on clearing passwords.
If the system is equiped with an embedded security device, refer to the HP ProtectTools Security Manager Guide at www.hp.com.
3.5.4 DriveLock
DriveLock is an
DriveLock is intended for HP customers for whom data security is the paramount concern. For such customers, the cost of the hard drive and the loss of the data stored on it is inconsequential when compared with the damage that could result from unauthorized access to its contents. In order to balance this level of security with the practical need to accommodate a forgotten password, the HP implementation of DriveLock employs a
Service Reference Guide, dc7600 |