HP dx5150 Peripherals South OnChip, IDE Device OnChip IDE, Channel 0 or, PCI Device Onboard Chip

Models: dx5150

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Troubleshooting Without Diagnostics

Solving Hard Drive Problems (Continued)







Nonsystem disk/NTLDR

Hard drive boot has

Enter Computer Setup and enable

missing message.

been disabled in

the hard drive in Integrated


Computer Setup.

Peripherals > South OnChip



IDE Device > OnChip IDE



Channel 0 or 1.






Enter Computer Setup and enable



the hard drive in Integrated



Peripherals > South OnChip



PCI Device > Onboard Chip








Bootable hard drive is

If attempting to boot from an IDE


not attached as first in a

hard drive, ensure it is attached as


multi-hard drive

Primary Device 0. If attempting to



boot from a SATA hard drive,



ensure it is attached to SATA 0.




Computer will not start.

Hard drive is damaged.

Observe if the front panel Power



LED is blinking RED and if any



beeps are heard. See Appendix A,



“POST Error Messages” to



determine possible causes for the



blinking red and beep codes.



See the Worldwide Limited



Warranty for terms and conditions.




Computer seems to be

Program in use has

Attempt the normal Windows “Shut

locked up.

stopped responding to

Down” procedure. If this fails, press



the power button for four or more



seconds to turn off the power. To



restart the computer, press the



power button again.






Troubleshooting Guide

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Image 34
HP dx5150 manual Peripherals South OnChip, IDE Device OnChip IDE, Channel 0 or, PCI Device Onboard Chip