HP dx5150 From the Control Panel, Device Manager button, Sure Enable digital CD, Speech and Audio

Models: dx5150

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Troubleshooting Without Diagnostics

Solving Audio Problems (Continued)




Sound does not come out of the speaker or headphones.


The external speakers

Turn on the external speakers.

are not turned on.




External speakers

See the sound card documentation

plugged into the wrong

for proper speaker connection.

audio jack.


Digital CD audio is not

Enable digital CD audio:



From the Control Panel,




select System.



On the Hardware tab, click



the Device Manager button.



Right-click on the CD/DVD



device and select Properties.



On the Properties tab, make



sure “Enable digital CD



audio for this CD-ROM



device” is checked.



Headphones or devices

Turn on and use headphones or

connected to the

external speakers, if connected, or

line-out connector mute

disconnect headphones or external

the internal speaker.





Volume is muted.


From the Control Panel



program, click Sound,



Speech and Audio



Devices, then click Sounds



and Audio Devices.



Click the Mute check box to



remove the check mark from



the box.



Computer is in

Press the power button to resume

standby mode.

from standby mode.

ÄCAUTION: When attempting to resume from standby mode, do not hold down the power button for more than four seconds. Otherwise, the computer will shut down and you will lose your unsaved data.

Troubleshooting Guide



Page 41
Image 41
HP dx5150 From the Control Panel, Device Manager button, Sure Enable digital CD, Audio for this CD-ROM, Speech and Audio