Use the HP sp400 Series Configuration Software

Timeouts & Limits tab

The Timeouts & Limits tab allows you to set various timeouts and limits that affect the function of the All- in-One.

Device Timeouts

The Device Timeouts section allows you to change the length of eight different timeouts and intervals.

Registration Retry Interval (s): The number of seconds that the All-in-One pauses between registration messages. These messages are sent from the All-in-One device to the server.

SPP Ack Timeout (ms): The number of milliseconds the All-in-One waits for a response from the server before resending a message.

Heartbeat Interval (ms): The length of time in milliseconds between the heartbeat messages that are sent from the All-in-One to the server.

Retrigger Delay After Print (ms): The length of time in milliseconds the All-in-One pauses after a successful print has been made before it is ready to scan again.

Print Incomplete Timeout (ms): The length of time in milliseconds which the user has available to make a successful print after print data has been received from the server.


The Battery section allows you to adjust the point at which the battery low (LED and audio) warnings will be activated.

Battery Low Warning (%): The percentage of battery life that is still available when the All-in-One activates the Battery Low warning.

Battery Very Low Warning (%): The percentage of battery life that is still available when the All-in-One activates the Battery Very Low warning.

If the Disable Audio check box is selected, the audio warning will not sound when the battery is low or very low.