Setup Menus
Factory default: 4
Typeahead Enabled
Factory default: Unselected
When the emulator is connected to an HP 3000, you normally have to wait for the host to send a prompt before you can enter new data at the keyboard, otherwise the data is ignored. Selecting this option will enable you to type continuously without waiting for the prompt. Data is stored in the keyboard buffer and each time the emulator receives a prompt it will send a line of data to the host. Block mode also supports typeahead.
Host Prompt Character
Factory default: ^Q (i.e. DC1)
Some hosts send a prompt character to the terminal to indicate that they are ready to receive the next line or block of data. This option enables you to specify the prompt character for your particular host. Most hosts either use the DC1 (^Q) character (e.g. HP 3000) or no prompt (^@) character.
When Typeahead Enabled is selected, the emulator will wait for the specified prompt character from the host before transmitting the next line from the keyboard buffer.