Setup Menus
The Defined Sessions list box displays
The session configuration that TeemTalk will load by default on startup is indicated by a letter D next to its name. You can change the default selection by selecting the required session description then clicking the Save As Default button.
Session templates created by the system administrator are indicated by the letter T after the session name. Refer to the Session Management section in the Getting Started chapter for details.
You can delete any session configurations except templates by selecting the description then clicking the Delete button. Note that if the session deleted was a copy of a template (which will have the same name), the template version will reappear in the Defined Sessions list, as indicated by the letter T.
Close Session
(Not available in WBT mode)
This will close the current session.
Save Session
Selecting this option will save the current session configuration.
TeemTalk for Windows XPe
If you were using a session template and modified the settings, a local copy of the template will be made with the same name, but with the changed settings. This copy will replace the template in the list of session configurations displayed in the Open Session dialog box. Note that the T template indicator will no longer be displayed.