Setup Menus
Factory default: WY ASCII
This option determines whether the Wyse ASCII or PC standard character set is used as the first half of the multinational character set when in multinational mode (as set by the Character Set Mode option in the Emulation Settings dialog box).
WPRT Attribute
Factory default: Dim
This option applies to all emulations and enables you to specify the appearance of
Multiple Page
Factory default: Unselected
This option applies to the
Note that the TVI emulations support two pages of 24 lines each when this and the Auto Page options are selected, regardless of the Lines and Page Size settings.
80 / 132 Clears
Factory default: Unselected
This option applies to the
Economy 80
Factory default: Unselected
This option applies to the
Auto Scroll
Factory default: Selected
This option applies to all emulations and determines what happens when the cursor is moved beyond the last line of the current page. When selected, the displayed data scrolls up and the cursor remains on the last line. When unselected, the cursor moves to the top of the same page.