Getting Started
TCP/IP Connection SettingsThe TCP/IP Telnet Configuration dialog box can be displayed from the Connection Wizard Host Information dialog box by setting the Connection Type to TCP/IP then clicking the Advanced button, or the New Connection dialog box when in non- WBT mode by selecting TCP/IP in the Type list box then clicking the Configure button.
Note that the options available and the default settings depend on the current terminal emulation.
Host Port Number
This enables you to specify the Telnet port number. The default Telnet port number, 23, can be substituted with any valid 16 bit port number. Specifying a number outside the valid range will cause the setting to default to 1.
If an SSH (Secure Shell) connection is to be made, set this to the host's SSH port number (22 is the default for SSH).
Local Port Number
This enables you to specify the local Telnet port number if required. Setting this to 0 will cause the number to be allocated automatically.
Telnet Name
This enables you to override the name that will be reported for the terminal type over Telnet.
Enable Keep Alives
Selecting this option will prevent the session from being disconnected from the host by an inactivity timeout.