IBM 5250 Emulation

Text Display Options

Display Right-to-Left

The contents of the screen can be displayed in reverse, i.e. as a right-to-left mirror image, by pressing the keys Shift + Backspace. This is a toggle function, so pressing the keys again will revert to normal left-to-right display. An arrow will be displayed on the status line to indicate normal (right arrow) or mirror (left arrow) display.

Typing Direction

The direction in which characters are displayed on the screen when typed can be toggled between normal left-to-right and right-to-left by pressing the keys Shift + / on the keypad. The characters => or <= will be displayed on the status line to indicate the current typing direction.

Selecting the Symbol Swap option in the IBM 5250 Settings dialog box will cause symbols such as round or angle brackets to be displayed the correct way round when typing right-to-left.

Close Key

If text has been typed using both typing direction modes in the same line or field, you can force the right-hand text to join the left-hand text by pressing the keys Shift + * on the keypad.

Push Mode

Push mode allows you to edit text whose direction is opposite the screen orientation. In this mode the cursor orientation is reversed and a Push segment is created. Push mode is toggled on/off by pressing the keys Ctrl + Shift + - (keypad minus).

Push mode has two secondary modes, Boundary mode and Edit mode.

Boundary mode is activated when Push mode is entered. The cursor will remain at its current position while you type additional characters, and text will be pushed in the opposite direction of the screen orientation.

Edit mode is activated when the cursor is moved from its Boundary position into the Push segment area. In this mode, text can be edited within the Push segment while typing in the field’s natural direction.

Bilingual Keyboard Support

When a code page that supports a bilingual keyboard is selected, you can toggle between the National and Latin character set by pressing the keys Shift + - on the
