Figure 4-1Speed and image quality by print mode








sqm/h (sqft/h)

Stored jobs

When you send a print job to the printer, you can save the job automatically on the printer’s hard disk drive, on a rotating first-in-first-out (FIFO) basis. You can “lock” a job to prevent it from being rotated out, but this reduces the amount of space available for subsequent jobs to be saved. You can also save a stored job without printing it until you print it from the control panel, or only print the job without saving it.

The printer can store up to twenty-four sheet-fed or roll-fed jobs. These jobs are retained on the printer's disk, even when the printer power is cycled on and off. When the number of stored jobs reaches the printer's storage capacity, subsequent print jobs will be printed but not stored.

If a job is too large to be saved, it is simply discarded from memory after printing. If a complete print job has been received from the RIP and you cancel the print, it will still appear in the Stored Jobs listing.

Stored Jobs can be viewed and managed from the control panel.

Thumbnail screen

To print or manage Stored Jobs, press Jobs on the Home or Printing page. On this page, you can view thumbnail images of the various jobs. Locked jobs (protected from automatic deletion) are identified by a padlock icon on the thumbnail image.

From the Stored Job thumbnails screen, you can perform these operations on the print job:

Press Max Sizes to view the total image area that can be stored at each combination of resolution and color set.

Press History to view a log of stored jobs activity.


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