communication between your third-party support and HP, but again only at the request of an HP support representative.

Refer to the documentation CD-ROM disc that comes with the printer for more information:

CallMe@hp Network Security Guide, which discusses the technology used in CallMe@hp as it relates to network security concerns

Getting Started with CalMe@hp, which provides an explanation and examples of how the features of CallMe@hp work.

HP Customer Care

In case of any question or problem, you should approach your local HP Authorized Representative for consultancy and support. However, if required, you can contact HP directly by using the following methods.

NOTE: For up-to-date contact information, please visit

North America

Tel: 800 925 0563

Fax: 952 943 3695


Europe, Middle East, and Africa

Tel: +32 2 7283444

Fax: +31 207157536


Asia and Pacific

Tel: +852 8103 2666

Tel: 00 801 85 5945 (Taiwan only, toll-free)

Fax: +852 2187 2218


Latin America

Please dial Option 2/Option 6 from the selection menu.

Argentina: 5411 470 816 00

Brasil: 52 55 5258-9922

Chile: 562 436-2610 / 800 360 999

Colombia: 571 602 9191 / 01 8000 51 4746 8368

Costa Rica: 0 800 011 0524

Dominican Republic: 1 800 711 2884

Guatemala: 1 800 999 5105


HP Customer Care 89