Your computer may not be working properly. Run an application that you know works correctly and print to be sure.

The computer’s port may not be working properly. Print to another output device that you know works correctly (and is not connected to the RIP) to check this.

5.Is the print quality good?

YES: Then the problem is not covered in this checklist. Contact Technical Services. NO: Check the following:

Banding or general poor image quality — the printheads may need to be calibrated (see Calibrate the printer on page 45). One or more inkjets may be clogged or not firing (see Ink page on page 35). The media advance may need to be recalibrated (see Media Feed Calibration on page 47).

Inaccurate color or under- or over-saturated output — the wrong color profile may be selected at the RIP. Refer to the documentation that accompanies the RIP.

Inaccurate color or lack of detail — one or more inkjets may be clogged or not firing (see Ink page on page 35).

Since automatic head maintenance cannot occur when the printer is powered down, keep the printer powered on at all times if possible. If automatic head maintenance does not occur for an extended period, manual purging may be necessary to restore the printheads to working condition.

Noisy carriage motion or repeating print artifacts — Noisy carriage motion can be eliminated by cleaning (see Clean and lubricate rail strips (bi-weekly) on page 68 or Clean carriage wheels (monthly) on page 73). If the carriage wheels develop flat spots due to non- use, use the Carriage Motion Troubleshooter to restore their shape (from the System page of the control panel, see Tools > User Diagnostics> Carriage Motion).

Media buckling or media feed problems — the wrong media could be selected in the Media Wizard (see Configure media on page 9). The media may not have been loaded squarely (see Configure and load media on page 9).

Head strike — if the printhead is striking the media, check how the media is tracking from the supply spindle. The sides of the media should be parallel to the sides of the printer, with no wrinkling or buckling. If necessary, reload the media. See Load rigid media on page 12 for instructions. Also check the Media Wizard to see whether the correct media is selected (see Configure media on page 9).

Warranty claims

The printer is covered by a manufacturer’s limited warranty, which includes the printheads.

For more information about warranty claims, contact HP (see next page for contact information).


CallMe@hp is a suite of tools that enables communication between you and your HP support organization. CallMe@hp uses a web-based interface to provide live chat (similar to instant messaging), file exchange, and even remote control of your computer to allow the Support Agent immediate and first-hand understanding of your printer.

If you receive your printer support directly from HP, CallMe@hp may be employed at any time at the request of your HP support representative. If you receive your printer support through a dealer, reseller, or other third-party, CallMe@hp may be employed when circumstances require direct

88 Appendix B Troubleshooting