5 Configuring guest application monitoring service
HP Serviceguard VM or vPar guest application monitoring service is a program or an agent configured within a VM or vPar guest that checks the status of applications configured within the same VM or vPar guest. HP supports the monitoring and control of applications within a VM or vPar guest configured as an HP Serviceguard package. This functionality is available for an application that runs on an
•Checks the status of applications within VM or vPar guests from the VM or vPar Host under the control of Serviceguard.
•Provides startup and failure detection capabilities (restart, guest failover) for monitored VM or vPar guest applications using the HP Serviceguard functionality.
•Provides a supported application monitoring framework which does not depend on a
The method used to monitor applications depends on the application being monitored. It varies from verifying an existing process ID to checking application performance. In addition, the application monitoring service performs a recovery action during failure of an application. Based on the type of failure detected, recovery actions can vary, it might attempt to restart the application for a specified number of times or halt the VM or vPar guest. This action might trigger HP Serviceguard to failover the VM or vPar guest package to another adoptive VM or vPar Host cluster member.
Serviceguard VM or vPar Guest Application Monitoring architecture
Figure 2 Serviceguard VM or vPar Guest Application Monitoring architecture
In Figure 2 (page 20) the VM or vPar guest package is the Serviceguard package containing the cmappmgr services and the guest service.
The key components of the HP Serviceguard guest application monitoring are as follows:
•Application Manager cmappmgr (1 per VM or vPar guest application): This application runs as services controlled by the VM or vPar guest package.
NOTE: Multiple cmappmgr services can be configured in one VM or vPar guest package; one for each VM or vPar guest application to be monitored.
•Application Server cmappserver (1 per VM or vPar guest): This application runs as a process in the VM or vPar guest to monitor the applications assigned to an Application Manager.
20 Configuring guest application monitoring service