Table 82 MVC_ZONESUMMARYVW (continued)
Column Name | Type | Description |
ZoneType | VARCHAR2(254) |
ProtocolType | VARCHAR2(254) |
ReadOnly | NUMBER(1) |
FabricID | NUMBER(38) | Fabric ID |
FabricWWN | VARCHAR2(254) | Fabric WWN |
FabricCName | VARCHAR2(256) |
ZoneCapID | NUMBER(38) | Zone capability ID |
ZoneCapabilitiesName | VARCHAR2(254) | Name of the zone capabilities |
ZC_MaxName_length | NUMBER(18) | Name length limit |
MaxZoneSets | NUMBER(18) | Number of maximum zone sets |
MaxZones | NUMBER(18) |
MaxZoneMembers | NUMBER(18) |
MaxZonePerZoneSet | NUMBER(18) |
MaxZoneAliases | NUMBER(18) |
EnhencdZoning | NUMBER(1) |
Table 83 MVC_ZONEVW |
Column Name | Type | Description |
ZoneSetID | NUMBER(38) | Zone set ID |
ZoneSetName | VARCHAR2(256) | Zone set Name |
ZoneID | NUMBER(38) | Zone ID |
FabricID | NUMBER(38) | ID of the fabric which the zone belongs |
ZoneMemberID | NUMBER(38) | Zone member ID |
ZoneMemberName | VARCHAR2(254) | Name of the zone member |
ZoneMemberType | VARCHAR2(254) | Type of the zone member |
ZoneMemberInFabric | NUMBER(1) |
ZonePortWWN | VARCHAR2(32) | WWN of the zone port |
Storage Essentials 5.00.01 User Guide 467