Your PiranhaMAX™ is designed to provide years of
If the unit comes into contact with salt spray,wipe the affected surfaceswith a cloth dampened in fresh water.
Do not use a chemical glass cleaner on the lens - this may cause cracking in the lens.
When cleaning the LCD protective lens, use a chamois and
If your boat remains in the water for long periods of time, marine growth can reduce the effectiveness of the transducer. Periodically clean the face of the transducer with liquid detergent.
If your boat remainsout of the water for a long period of time, it may take some time to wet the transducer when returned to the water. Small air bubbles can cling to the surfaceof the transducer and interferewith proper operation.These bubbles dissipatewith time, or you can wipe the faceof the transducerwith your fingers after the transducer is in the water.
Never leave the unit in a closed car or