The baseplate itself stands on a pallet and the whole assembly can be handled using a standard forklift truck. To keep the goods as level as possible, two people should assist the truck driver. Driving and lifting must both be performed with care.
Remove the upper part of the crate from the wooden baseplate.
The mower (rear wheels not fitted) is secured to the baseplate by plastic straps and wooden blocks. Certain components that are to be fitted to the mower, or handed to the purchaser on delivery, are wrapped separately in plastic bags.
Remove the plastic sheeting covering the mower.
When unpacking the mower, check that there is no transport damage. Any damage is to be reported to the transport company in the normal way.
The packaging is not to be returned.
Delivery Service
1.Charge the battery. The mower is normally delivered with a charged battery
2.Raise the rear of the mower until it is clear of the baseplate and the rear
wheels can rotate freely. Hold firmly in position using blocks or jack stands.
3. With the valves facing outwards, fit the rear wheels. Fit and tighten the wheel nuts on the wheel bolts.
4.Check and adjust the pressure in all the
tires. The recommended pressure is 1 bar (15 PSI).
Fitting the rear wheels
5.On both motion control levers, remove the lower bolts and loosen the upper bolts. Swing the levers to the upright position. Hand tighten the lower bolts in the rectangular holes. The levers are adjusted at a later stage.
6.Push the levers out into their neutral
Lever mount