Components and Jumper Setting
D J 8 0 0 M o t h e r b o a r d
Primary IDE connectors
The two 40-pin IDE connectors (primary and secondary channels) support 80-conductor IDE ribbon cables. Connect the single connector end to the Mainboard. Then, connect the two connectors at the other end to your IDE device(s). If you connect two hard disks to the same cable, you must set the second drive as a Slave through its jumper settings. Refer to the IDE device’s documentation for the specific jumper settings. (Pin 20 is removed to prevent the connector from being in- serted in the wrong orientation when using ribbon cables with pin 20 plugged in). The BIOS supports Ultra DMA 33/66/100.
Ribbon cables should always be connected with the red stripe on the Pin 1 side of the connector. IDE ribbon cables must be less than 46 cm (18 inches) long, with the second drive connector no more than 15 cm (6 inches) away from the first connector.
Floppy Disk Drive Connector
This 34-pin connector supports the standard floppy disk drive rib- bon cable. Connect the single connector end to the Mainboard. Then, plug the other end of the ribbon into the floppy drive. Make sure you align the Pin 1 on the connector with the Pin 1 alignments on the Mainboard and the floppy drive.