H a r d w a r e I n s t a l l a t i o n
D J 8 0 0 M o t h e r b o a r d
Installing Expansion Cards
1.Remove the bracket plate on the slot you intend to use. Keep the bracket for possible future use.
2.Insert the PCI card into the correct slot on the Mainboard, pushing down with your thumbs evenly on both sides of the card.
3.Secure the card on the slot with the screw you removed above.
4.Assign IRQs for PCI expansion card: An IRQ number is automati- cally assigned to PCI expansion card. In the PCI bus design, the BIOS automatically assigns an IRQ to a PCI slot that contains a card re- quiring an IRQ.
Please completely power OFF your power supply when adding or removing any expansion cards or other system components. Failure to do so may cause severe damage to both your Mainboard and expansion cards.
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