Uplink Ports
FLT Glows yellow when a fault is detected with the fiber Uplink. Faults
include loss of link and half-duplex operation. Half-duplex is not
defined for a fiber line running at gigabit rates.
LNK Glows green when link is established.
Blinks green during data activity.
If the username and password are available when accessing iView
, the unit can be
reset back to its original factory setting with the following procedure. Open a console
session by launching a Hyperterminal session with the unit. Upon completion of the
boot sequence, press the
once and then type in the command
Upon completion, type in the command
. This will reset the
username/password back to admin/admin.
If the username and password are lost for the console session, open iConfig within
. In the Administration tab, upgrade the PROM with a backup copy of the last
binary file, or load a current binary file downloaded from the IMC Networks
download product page. By reloading the binary file, the username and password is
If BOTH password accesses are lost, contact
Technical Support
for information.
Before using iView²
iView² is a network management application designed for Intelligent Networking
Devices from IMC Networks. It features a GUI and gives network managers the
ability to monitor and control products from a variety of platforms. iView² can also
function as a snap-in module for HP Open View Network Node Manager.
System Requirements
To run iView², the management PC must be equipped with the following:
29 MB free disk space, 64 MB RAM
Windows: NT 4.0 Service Pack 5, 2000 Professional, or XP
Microsoft SNMP Services Installed
Microsoft IE 4.0 or Higher (not required as default browser)
Microsoft IIS required for Web Server version
Java versions require the following:
25 MB free disk space, 64 MB RAM
Any OS capable of running Java (Windows 98 or above, Solaris, LINUX)
Java Runtime v 1.3