NS-19RTR 19" DVD Triple Combo

Checking the status

You can view the current status of your DVD combo. Depending on what mode you are in, the following items appear:








CH 123

SP COUNT 0:00:00 5

1Displays the current VCR status–PLAY, STOP, REC, OTR, PAUSE, EJECT, FF, or REW.

2Displays the VCR tape recording speed (SP or SLP).

3Displays the current time.

4Displays the current channel number when a TV program is playing. AUX appears in external input mode.

5Displays the tape counter during VCR playback, recording, or ejection. This feature is not displayed for a blank tape or for portions of a tape that are blank. You can reset this counter by pressing the CLEAR button.

To check the status:

Press the DISPLAY button one or more times.

Using the VCR

Your DVD combo can play from and record to any videotape that has

the logo.
