NS-19RTR 19" DVD Triple Combo

Recording a videotape with OTR

OTR (one-touch recording) lets you specify the amount of time you want to record.

To set up an OTR:

Note You cannot use the remote control to set up or start an OTR.

1Turn on your DVD combo, then select the TV channel you want to record.

If your DVD combo is connected to a cable box or satellite box, set your DVD combo to channel 3 or 4. Use the cable box or satellite box to select the channel you want to record.

2Insert a videotape into the videotape compartment.

3Press the SPEED button to select the tape speed. You can select:

SP–Standard play

SLP–Super long play

4Press the REC-OTRbutton on your DVD combo’s front panel one or more times to select the amount of time you want. Each time you press the button, the amount of time increase by 30 minutes to a maximum of 8 hours. Recording starts immediately.

Notes If you press the POWER button during an OTR, your DVD combo continues to record.

If the videotape runs out before the end of the time you specified, your DVD combo stops recording, ejects the tape, and turns off.

To see the remaining time for the OTR, press the DISPLAY button on the remote control to display OTR on the screen. The time remaining apprears briefly, then disappears.

To cancel an OTR:

Press the STOP button or the STOP/EJECT on your DVD combo’s front panel.

Setting up future recordings

You can set up TV program recordings in advance. You can set up a single recording, a weekly recording, or a daily recording–all within a one-year time frame.

When you set up future recordings, keep the following in mind:

The program with the earliest start has priority.

After the earliest program finishes, the overlapping programs begin recording in sequence from the top of the list.

When the starting time is the same, the program set on the highest row (position) in the program list has priority.
