Voice API Programming Guide — June 2005 11
Revision History

This revision history summarizes the changes made in each published version of this document.

Document No. Publication Date Description of Revisions
05-2377-002 June 2005 Application Development Guidelines chapter: Added bullet about digits not always
being cleared by dx_clrdigbuf() in Tone Detection Considerations section [PTR
Call Progress Analysis chapter: Added eight new SIT sequences that can be
returned by ATDX_CRTNID() for DM3 boards in Types of Tones section.
Revised values of TID_SIT_NC (Freq of first segment changed from 950/1001 to
950/1020) and TID_SIT_VC (Freq of first segment changed from 950/1001 to
950/1020) in table of Special Information Tone Sequences (DM3); also added
four new SIT sequences to this table. Added note about SRL device mapper
functions in Steps to Modify a Tone Definition on DM3 Boards section.
Recording and Playback chapter: Added Recording with the Voice Activity Detector
section that describes new modes for dx_reciottdata().
Send and Receive FSK Data chapter: Updated Fixed-Line Short Message Service
(SMS) section to indicate that fixed-line short message service (SMS) is
supported on Springware boards. Updated Library Support on Springware
Boards section to indicate that Springware boards in Linux support ADSI two-
way FSK and SMS.
Cached Prompt Management chapter: Added sentence to second paragraph about
flushing cached prompts in Overview of Cached Prompt Management section.
Added second paragraph about flushing cached prompts in Cached Prompt
Management Hints and Tips section.
05-2377-001 November 2004 Initial version of document. Much of the information contained in this document was
previously published in the Voice API for Linux Operating System Programming
Guide (document number 05-1829-001) and the Voice API for Windows Operating
Systems Programming Guide (document number 05-1831-002).
This document now supports both Linux and Windows operating systems. When
information is specific to an operating system, it is noted.