154 Voice API Programming Guide — June 2005
Global Tone Detection and Generation, and Cadenced Tone Generation
analysis creates 8 GTD tones; this uses 17 memory blocks on each channel on which it is
•On Springware boards, if you use call progress analysis to identify tri-tone special information
tone (SIT) sequences, call progress analysis creates GTD tones, which reduces the number of
user-defined tones you can create. Call progress analysis creates one GTD tone template for
each single frequency tone that you define in the DX_CAP structure. For example, if detecting
the SIT sequences per channel (3 frequencies), the GTD memory will be reduced by 5 blocks.
•On Springware boards, if you initiate call progress analysis and there is not enough memory to
create the GTD tones, you will get an EDX_MAXTMPLT error. This indicates that you are
trying to exceed the maximum number of GTD tones.
•On Springware boards, if you use a build tone function (such as dx_blddt() or
r2_creatfsig() ) to define a user-defined tone that alone or with existing user-defined tones
exceeds the available memory, you will get an EDX_MAXTMPLT error.
•On Springware boards on Linux, call progress analysis SIT detection releases GTD memory
when call progress analysis has completed. The other features do not release GTD memory
until a dx_deltones( ) is performed.
•On Springware boards on Linux, if you initiate call progress analysis and there is not enough
memory to create the SIT sequences internally, you will get a T_CAERROR event and the
evtdata field will contain MEMERR. On Springware boards on Windows, if you initiate call
progress analysis and there is not enough memory to create the SIT sequences internally, you
will get a CR_MEMERR.
•The dx_deltones( ) function deletes all user-defined tones from a specified channel and
releases the memory that was used for those user-defined tones. When an associated ASCII
digit is specified, tone events will not be generated for that tone.
•If you create R2/MF user-defined tones using r2_creatfsig(), the voice boards are usually able
to create all 15 R2/MF user-defined tones due to the overlap in frequencies for the R2/MF
signals. If these boards do not have sufficient memory, they may be able to support R2/MF
signaling through a reduced number of R2/MF user-defined tones.
The r2_creatfsig() function is not supported on DM3 boards.
•Voice boards support a full set of inbound or outbound R2/MF signals, or the complete Socotel
signal set.
Table18 lists the maximum number of tone templates for dual tones available on Springware
For information on maximum amount of memory available for tone templates on Springware
boards, see Table16, “Maximum Memory Available for User-Defined Tone Templates
(Springware)”, on page 152 and Table17, “Maximum Memory Available for Tone Templates for
Tone-Creating Voice Features (Springware)”, on page152.
Table18. Maximum Tone Templates for Dual Tones (Springware)
Hardware Tone Te mpla tes
Per Board
Tone Templates
Per Channel
D/41JCT-LS 33 8