Voice API Programming Guide — June 2005 13
About This PublicationThe following topics provide information about this publication:
•Intended Audience
•How to Use This Publication
•Related Information
This publication provides guidelines for building computer telephony applications on Windows*
and Linux* operating systems using the Intel® voice API. Such applications include, but are not
limited to, call routing, voice messaging, interactive voice response, and call center applications.
This publication is a companion guide to the Voice API Library Reference, which provides details
on the functions and parameters in the voice library.
This document version (05-2377-002) is published for Intel® Dialogic® System Release 6.1 for
Linux operating system.
This document may also be applicable to later Intel Dialogic system releases, including service
updates, on Linux or Windows. Check the Release Guide for your software release to determine
whether this document is supported.
This document is applicable to Intel Dialogic system releases only. It is not applicable to Intel
NetStructure® Host Media Processing (HMP) software releases. A separate set of voice API
documentation specific to HMP is provided. Check the Release Guide for your software release to
determine what documents are provided with the release.
Intended Audience
This information is intended for:
•System Integrators
•Toolkit Developers