186 Voice API Programming Guide — June 2005
R2/MF Signaling
Four sets of defines are provided to specify the 15 Group I and 15 Group II forward signals, and the
15 Group A and 15 Group B backward signals. For a list of these defines, see Table24, “Meanings
for R2/MF Group I Forward Signals”, on page180, Table 25, “Meanings for R2/MF Group II
Forward Signals”, on page1 81, Table26, “Meanings for R2/MF Group A Backward Signals”, on
page 182, and Table27, “Meanings for R2/MF Group B Backward Signals”, on page 183.
15.7 R2/MF Tone Detection Template Memory RequirementsTo implement R2/MF signaling, the board must have sufficient memory blocks to create the
number of user-defined tones required by your application. Your application may not need to detect
all 15 forward signals, especially if you do not need to support R2/MF signaling for international
calls. If that is the case, your application can work with a reduced number of R2/MF tones.
High-density boards such as D/160SC-LS, D/240JCT-T1, and D/300JCT-E1 normally contain
sufficient memory to create the necessary R2/MF tones. However, you should be aware of the
maximum number of user-defined tones (including non-R2/MF tones) allowed on the board.
Low-density boards such as D/41JCT-LS, D/41H, Dialog/4, and ProLine/2V boards may also be
able to create all 15 R2/MF tones due to the overlap in frequencies for the R2/MF signals. If
creating these tones exceeds the maximum number of tones allowed, you may be able to support
R2/MF signaling through a reduced number of R2/MF user-defined tones.
See Section13.1.8, “M aximum Amount of Memory for Tone Templates”, on page152 for more