Voice API Programming Guide — June 2005 191
Building Applications
Standard Runtime Library file. Specify -lsrl in makefile.
If you use curses, you must ensure that it is the last library to be linked.


You must link the following library files in the order shown when compiling your voice
processing application:
Main voice library file.
Standard Runtime Library file.
17.2.3 Run-time Linking
This section applies to Windows only.
Run-time linking resolves the entry points to the Intel Dialogic DLLs when the application is
loaded and executed. This allows the application to contain function calls that are not contained in
the DLL that resides on the target system.
To use run-time linking, the application can call the Windows LoadLibrary() function to load a
specific technology DLL and a series of GetProcAddress() function calls to set up the address
pointers for the functions.
17.2.4 Variables for Compiling and Linking
The following variables provide a standardized way of referencing the directories that contain
header files and shared objects:
Variable that points to the directory where header files are stored.
Variable that points to the directory where shared library files are stored.
These variables are automatically set at login and should be used in compiling and linking
commands. The following is an example of a compiling and linking command that uses these
cc -I${INTEL_DIALOGIC_INC} -o myapp myapp.c -L${INTEL_DIALOGIC_LIB} -lsrl
Note: It is strongly recommended that you use these variables when compiling and linking applications.
The name of the variables will remain constant, but the values may change in future releases.