Voice API Programming Guide — June 2005 159
Global Tone Detection and Generation, and Cadenced Tone Generation
Figure 19. Example of Custom Cadenced Tone Generation
Signal Description:
Repetition of combined tones
(440 = 480 Hz) ON for 0.8 to
1.2 seconds, followed by 440
Hz tone ON for 0.2 seconds,
and tone OFF for 2.7 to 3.3
seconds applied within a power
range of -14.5 to 17.5 dBm.
Dialogic provides a predefined
set of standard call progress
signals that can be generated
by dx_playtoneEx(). This
example shows how you would
define the Special Audible Ring
Tone 1 as a custom cadence
tone if it were not already in the
standard set as
Description of the Cadence
Tome Used in this Example
Define the Signal as a
Dialogic Custom Cadence Tome
Set the TN_GENCAD Parameters
tngencad.cycles = 255;
tngencad.numsegs = 2;
tngencad.offtime (0) = 0;
tngencad.offtime (1) = 300;
dx_bidtngen(&tgencad.tone(0),440, 480, -16, -16,
Call thhe dx_playtoneEx( )
dx_playtoneEx (dxxxdev, &tngencad, tpt, EV_SYNC)
TN_GENCAD tngencad
cycles = 255
numsegs = 2
offtime(0) = 0
offtime(1) = 300
offtime(2) = 0
offtime(3) = 0
TN_GEN tone (0)
dflag(0) = 0
tgfreq1(0) = 440
tgfreq2(0) = 480
tg_amp11(0) = -16
tg_amp12(0) = -16
tg_dur(0) = 100
TN_GEN tone (1)
dflag(1) = 0
tgfreq1(1) = 440
tgfreq2(1) = 0
tg_amp11(1) = -16
tg_amp12(1) = 0
tg_dur(1) = 20
TN_GEN tone (2)
dflag(2) = 0
tgfreq1(2) = 0
tgfreq2(2) = 0
tg_amp11(2) = 0
tg_amp12(2) = 0
tg_dur(2) = 0
TN_GEN tone (3)
dflag(3) = 0
tgfreq1(3) = 0
tgfreq2(3) = 0
tg_amp11(3) = 0
tg_amp12(3) = 0
tg_dur(3) = 0
The TN_GENCAD Definition and
Resulting Signal
Segment 1
440 = 480 Hz
dual tone at -16
dB with on-time
of 100 (10ms

and no

off time.

Segment 2
SIngle tone of 440 Hz at
-16 dB with on-time of
20 (10ms units) and off-
time of 300 (or 3
2 segments repeating indefinitely, or until a tpt termination
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