34 Voice API Programming Guide — June 2005
Application Development Guidelines
specific digit received (DX_DIGMASK)
Digits received during an I/O function are collected in a channel's digit buffer. If the buffer is
not empty before an I/O function executes, the digits in the buffer are treated as being received
during the I/O execution. This termination condition is enabled by specifying a digit bit mask
in the tp_length field of a DV_TPT structure. If any digit specified in the bit mask appears in
the digit buffer, the I/O function will terminate. When this termination condition is met, a
TM_DIGIT termination reason is returned from ATDX_TERMMSK( ).
On DM3 boards, using more than one DV_TPT structure for detecting different digits is not
supported. Instead, use one DV_TPT structure, set DX_DIGMASK in the tp_termno field, and
bitwise-OR "DM_1 | DM_2" in the tp_length field. For uniformity, it is also strongly
recommended to use the same method to detect different digits on Springware boards.
maximum function time (DX_MAXTIME)
A time limit may be placed on the execution of an I/O function. The tp_length field of a
DV_TPT can be set to a specific length of time in 100 msec units. The I/O function will
terminate when it executes longer than this period of time. The amount of time can be
specified in 100 msec units (default) or 10 msec units. 10 msec units can be specified in the
tp_flags field of the DV_TPT. When this termination condition is met, a TM_MAXTIME
termination reason is returned from ATDX_TERMMSK( ).
On DM3 boards, DX_MAXTIME is not supported by tone generation functions such as
dx_playtone( ) and dx_playtoneEx( ).
user-defined digit received (DX_DIGTYPE)
User-defined digits received during an I/O function are collected in a channel's digit buffer. If
the buffer is not empty before an I/O function executes, the digits in the buffer are treated as
being received during the I/O execution. This termination condition is enabled by specifying
the digit and digit type in the tp_length field of a DV_TPT structure. If any digit specified in
the bit mask appears in the digit buffer, the I/O function will terminate. When this termination
condition is met, a TM_DIGIT termination reason is returned from ATDX_TERMMSK( ).
user-defined tone on/off event detected (DX_TONE)
This termination condition is used with global tone detection. Before specifying a user-defined
tone as a termination condition, the tone must first be defined using the GTD dx_bld...( )
functions, and tone detection on the channel must be enabled using the dx_addtone( ) or
dx_enbtone() function. To set tone on/off to be a termination condition, specify DX_TONE in
the tp_termno field of the DV_TPT. You must also specify DX_TONEON or DX_TONEOFF
in the tp_data field. When this termination condition is met, a TM_TONE termination reason
is returned from ATDX_TERMMSK( ).
maximum FSK data received (DX_MAXDATA)
This termination condition is used with ADSI 2-way FSK functions only. It specifies the
maximum data for ADSI 2-way FSK. A transmit/receive FSK session is terminated when the
specified value of DX_MAXDATA (in bytes) is transmitted/received. When this termination
condition is met, a TM_MAXDATA termination reason is returned from
6.1.3 Setting Termination Conditions for DigitsTo specify a timeout for dx_getdig() if the first digit is not received within a specified time period,
use the DX_MAXTIME termination condition in the DV_TPT structure.